

"How does that feel, baby?" asked Mrs. Baker. Carol and Paulette. laughed and looked up at Bill, who watched everything through the mirrors as he hung from the crane above. His penis was still fully stretched out and willing. They could see him straining to move it by squirming, thereby hoping to discharge his sperm all over the girl below. But it was to no avail.

Next, Mrs. Baker took some long, satin toreador pants, all lined inside with the same kind of thorns as the other items. She forced these on the girl, closing up a zipper over the buttocks to make the garment as close-fitting as possible. Each leg had laces, which she also did up. And just when the girl thought she could stand no more, her feet were slipped into shoes with six-inch heels, and the insides of the shoes were lined with coarse sandpaper! "Well, I think you are beginning to appreciate your punishment, darling!" said Mrs. Baker. "All we need is a little something for your face." She took out a punishment helmet of leather which also had thorne lined all over the interior. This was fitted over the girl's head and laced in place, just leaving openings for the eyes, mouth, and ears. All over her head and face the girl could feel the thorns doing their work. Now her whole body was racked with pain, where the terrible thorn-garments touched her. Added to all this, her torturer clamped burs to her ear lobes, and put a necklace of burs around the girl's soft neck. Linda's mouth was shaped into a pucker by the opening in the helmet. the pretty captive was shackled to a ring over head, and her feet were bound together, making her helpless.


Her satin blouse and toreador pants, together with the shiny high heels, looked very pretty and comfortable on her. Carol snapped photos of the unwilling model, capturing the painful look in her eyes as she experienced the pricks of countless thorns against her body. One by one, Mrs. Baker and the girls took turns. embracing the unfortunate girl and kissing her pretty, puckered mouth. This caused no end of smarting and stinging and little stabbings, especially where the girls ran their hands over Linda's sore bosom. When they were content, Linda was crying and tears. ran down over her leather mask in streams. Nevertheless, it was observed that she made secretive attempts with her hips and thighs to maneuver the rubber penis in and out whenever she thought no one could see.

Now it was Bill's turn. brought him down to the floor.

His mother operated the crane, and She and the girls freed him from

the restraining device and let him off the platform. He was sore all over from his long bondage on the crane, and his penis still stood out pleadingly before the group of females. His sister jeered at him as he stood in Linda's baby doll, panties, bra, and high heels and nylons. He wanted to duck into a closet and hide himself. The panties were all torn and falling down where Linda had torn them to expose his organs.

"For you, Trixie, I have a special treat! You will eventually like it, I know!" said Mrs. Baker. She took out a hypodermic syringe and held it up. Bill's penis quickly lost its erection. He was now pretty worried at what was going to happen. But very soon the girls. had grabbed him and he had been given the injection. It was his first hormone shot! He was going to be turned into a girl!

His mother and the girls dressed him again in his lingerie and dress, together with the petticoats and high heels. They led him out, with a final word to Linda to let her know someone would come later to release her: a man. Mrs. Baker had gotten the key to Linda's apartment, so she could do as she liked. She hinted that the man would need to do something to her first before letting the prisoner go. Linda was left to guess what this would be!

That was the last Bill saw of Linda for a long time. During the next two or three months he was kept under his mother's custody and required to wear nothing but girl's attire during the day, or negligees at night. He was given regular hormone injections of female hormones, with the result that he soon found his voice. changing to a higher, feminine tone, and discovered he no longer had a. beard to shave. But the biggest surprise of all was the It enormous pair of delightful womanly breasts he developed. was almost beyond belief, him nude: a combination of lovely thirty-eight-inch boobs and an eleven-inch penis! Needless to say, the girls invented all sorts of games to play with him in bed nights, much to everyone's satisfaction. Carol and Paulette equally enjoyed kissing his maiden ly breasts as much as taking his big penis into their wombs! He sometimes enjoyed as many as six climaxes in one night. His mother, of course, was the most pleased of all. He had become her new daughter.